This week is my last spring break. It's weird to think back to spring break over the past three years. I remember where I was, who I was with, the music I listened to, and what I was doing. That's the best thing about holidays because without fail, I know exactly what I was doing a year ago and can see how far I've come (and how much farther I have to go). This year, I'm going to Chicago to visit my friend Lindsey. I'm excited to see and experience her life there, that I've heard about over the past four years. And when I get back, Dana and Seth will be visiting NY for a week! Yay! Seeing them always does my heart some good.
Lately I've been collecting quotes. Here are two of my favorites:
"True beauty breaks your heart." -Dr. Kreeft
"Don't ruin love by wanting it too much." -Derrick Brown
So true and so good.