Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Things that make me happy

1. Pre-Thanksgiving Friendsgiving dinner at the Walkers
2. Poinsettias (the drink, not so much the plant)
3. Christmas music (particularly Rosie Thomas' new Christmas album)
4. Wednesday lunch at Grey Dog
5. New Years in Norman (with my Danajoy love)
6. Almost one semester of college to go
7. Heaters that work (right next to my bed)
8. Legos (me and Hank successfully put together his Starwars spaceship. I can follow directions!)
9. Claire and Drew calling me "Uncle Julie" (they giggled incessently. pretty hilarious)
10. Blogs (so you can say everything and nothing in particular (like I am right now))


Kristin said...

Things that make me happy:

1. You (grumpy mornings and all)

Katie said...

I want to call you Uncle Julie. That sounds hilarious.

Lauren said...

thou art hereby dubbed "Uncle Julie". it's official.