Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't Give Up

Four years ago, I was determined to go to school in New York. I didn't want to stay in Arkansas and the busy city was beckoning me. As soon as I arrived here, I spent every semester trying to leave with reasons from long distance boyfriends to being closer to family. They're legitimate concerns, but what kept me here was the determination not to give up on a vision of what King's and New York were to me when I didn't know the reality of the stress and loneliness that would ensue. And now, with a plan to stay put for one more year, I can't bear leaving the city and the people I love behind. Let's face it, once you leave New York, you never come back (unless you're Kristin

I have all this nostalgia of the beginning of my life in New York because on Saturday, it came to an end. I graduated! My parents couldn't make it, but Katie, Elliott, Kristin, and Heath were there. And this week, I start as a full time nanny. It feels good to have a planner with only travel plans and lunch dates written down. No more homework. Only books clubs.

Our hoods were choking us. Not comfortable


Kristin said...

I'm glad you never gave up. We would have missed out on a lot of times.

Katie said...

I like your choking picture.

Inexchange said...

im proud of my jules.

Lauren said...

yay us!

danajoy said...

you have no idea how bad i wish i would have been there. i love you.

Juliebeans said...

duh! I wish you could have been there too DJ.