Thursday, January 29, 2009

There's a design

I've recently had several conversations about post-graduation plans. Yes, we're all scared. Of not finding a job. Of not staying in New York. Of not finding out what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Of not being able to provide for ourselves financially. Of working a job we hate. Of not being able to handle the infamous "real world." 

My remedy is to turn off the lights, lie in my bed, and listen to Vito's Ordination Song by Sufjan Stevens on repeat. It's not the answer to all my post-graduate fears, but it's a start and a meditation of sorts. So if you feel like you're going nowhere fast, I suggest you try it. Stop. Listen. Repeat.

I always knew you/ in your mothers arms 
i have called your name/ i have an idea 
placed in your mind/ to be a better man 
ive made a crown for you/ put it in your room 
and when the bride groom comes 
there will be noise/ there will be glad 
and a perfect bed

and when you write a poem 
i know the words/ i know the sounds 
before you write it down 
when you wear your clothes 
i wear them too/ i wear your shoes 
and your jacket too

i always knew you/ in your mothers arms
i have called you son/ ive made amends
between father and son/ or if you havent one 

rest in my arms 
sleep in my bed 
there is a design 
to what i did and said

Oh and I'd give these songs a listen to as well.


danajoy said...

i love you. my heart aches sometimes because i cannot be with you during your everyday life. lovelovelove.

Katie said...

No, YOU are the blood!